Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 3, 2012

Entry no.2_Group 2



Source Nolan’s cheddar
Target audience All people 
Medium(media) Broadcast on TV, Internet 
Context In 2009 by British animatronics master John Nolan
 Objectives To persuade people to buy Nolan’s cheddar
+General selling proposition When you don’t eat Nolan’s cheddar, you will be weak. Being stronger by using Nolan’s cheddar.
+Product attributes Fruity, sulfur, milk fat, free fatty acid, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, etc
+Customer benefits Get stronger. Personal values Health, happiness.

execution Description Over :90 rather amusing seconds, we watch the adventure of a mouse as he plays with fire by eating cheese off a trap, falls victim to the spring arm, and then battles back mightily.
Execution styles.Musical:  The Carpenter’s “Top of the World”, the Doors’ “The End” and Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger.”

Rhetorical devices Humorous, fantasy, image
Evaluation Funny, interesting, impression, unique.There is a bit bad obsession about rat-dirty animal.

Item 2: Samsung Galaxy SII

Source Samsung Galaxy S II
 Target audience People of high salary
 Medium(media) Broadcast on TV, Internet 
Context unclear 
Objectives To persuade people to buy the product Samsung Galaxy II
General selling proposition If you are wondering to choose a cell phone which bring you the comfort and confidence, Samsung Galaxy SII is the best choice.
Product attributes Help you to do your own work and relax without disturbing. Customer benefits Enjoy the product of best features.
Personal values Make you more stylish, confident.
Message execution
Description A man is reading book on his own chair next to a hen the hen disturb him with its sound. The man closes his book coming near it, then he put his cell phone on the table. There are three eggs inside the phone. The hen believes they are true eggs because of its vivid image. Then the man goes on reading.
Execution stylesRhetorical devices Overstatement
Evaluation Short and interesting.

Source :

Item 3

1 Source Heineken

2 Target Audience Men and women also

3 Medium (Media) Broadcast on TV

4 Context Supermarket

5 Objectives To persude people to buy Heineken

6 Message
General selling proposition No matter how a girl attractive is, he can say refusal to Heineken
Product attributes Water, malt, hop, yeast Customer benefits Getting  inspire and health
Personal values Drinking Heineken to make your life more  interesting and healthy

7 Message execution

Description A man is buying food in the supermarket. Suddenly, he sees a girl trying to pick something on the shelf. He comes to her and means to help the beautiful girl. However, he takes away two bottles of beer which she wants to have. It's Heineken

Execution style(s)Rhetorical device Humorous

8 Evaluation Surprised, funny, impressed

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