Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 3, 2012

Entry 1_Ta Thi Phuong

1. Two wolves

A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them, "In every life there is a terrible fight - a fight between two wolves. One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility, confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion." A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?" The elder looked him in the eye. "The one you feed." 

-Metaphor is used in the story. Two wolves are two characters: one is evil-bad character and another is good character. Everyday choices you make are to “feed a wolf”- develop a type of character. It means if you develop joy, serenity, humility, confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness and compassion everyday, you will have a good character- the good wolf will win.

Lesson: Development of good character depends on everyday choices one makes.

2. A Red, Red, Rose

O, my love is like a red, red rose,

That is newly sprung in June.

O, my love is like the melody,

That is sweetly played in tune.

………- Robert Burns –

Simile is used in this poem. “My love is like a red, red rose, That is newly sprung in June.” is the first simile to show that the author’s love is nice, pure like a flower newly sprung in June at time when a rose is the most beautiful and passionate like a red, red rose. The repetition is also used here “red, red rose” to emphasize the color of the rose very red like his love-very passionate. “My love is like the melody, that is sweetly played in tune” is the second simile. A sweet melody in tune means it is played the correct musical notes to sound pleasant; love is also sweet like this melody. Both of them are to show the love the author spends for some girl that is so beautiful and passionate.

3. Picture

Rhetorical devices: metaphor
Effects: the man in this picture adopts “the low-carbohydrate diet” for a week. He is on a weight reducing regimes which are low in every type of food containing a lot of any sort of carbohydrate. It makes him unhealthy and lack of energy. As a result, he “lost three inches off my smile”-unhappy.

2 nhận xét:

  1. mọi người xem bài đăng mới na, bài nì t chưa sửa lại

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    1. phương ơi tớ đã edit lại bài của c rùi, do hết hạn đăng entry 1 tớ vẫn chưa thấy c đăng bài nên phải lên face lấy bài đăng cho c :), nhớ đăng bài đúng hạn từ giờ nha :)
