Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 4, 2012

entry no 4. Nguyen Thi Chinh

Entry 4 – Nguyễn Thị Chinh  
Entry 4:
Argument structures and Fallacies
Item 1: Picture

Argument structure:
-          Premise: If doctors use a product, so it is not bad for our health
-          Premise: More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette
-          Conclusion: Therefore, Camels are not bad for our health

-          Premise 1: If A, then B
Premise 2: A
Conclusion: Therefore, B
Anallysis: Appeal to authority
People think that Camels are not bad for our health because more doctors smoke Camel s than any other cigarette. However, the authority has competence in the area, not just popularity. In addition, the judgement must be within the authority's expertise. Therefore, advertisement’s conclusion is fallacy of relevance.


Item 2: Video

Argument structure:
            - Premise: The man drinks Number one, then he is strong,  intelligent and agile
            - Premise: The other does not drink Number one
            -Conclusion: Therefore, the other men are not strong,  intelligent and agile.
The commercial advert has structure fallacy:
                        If A then B
                        Not A                            
                       Therefore, not B
The right structure:
                        If A then B
                        Not B                
                        Therefore, not A
In fact, if a man does not drink Number one, he can still be strong, intelligent and agile. There are many factors which make a man  strong and intelligent such as playing sports, studying, etc.

Item 3: Article

ĐỨC THÁNH CHA: Hôn Nhân đồng tính là mối đe dọa cho nhân loại
Ngày 09.01 vừa qua, Đức Thánh Cha đã lên tiếng cảnh báo: Hôn nhân đồng tính là một trong nhiều mối đe dọa cho cơ cấu gia đình theo truyền thống, và làm tổn hại đến chính tương lai của nhân loại”.

Logical fallacies : Fallacies of relevance : Appeal to tradition
Pope say that same sex marriage is a threat to family’s tradition and society. However, their action which loves same sex is not sin and wrong.They only want to deserve their happiness, their mariage doesn't harm anything or anyone.


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