Entry 4: Arguments
Item 1:
Premise 1: If Johnny is
eating sweets everyday, he is placing himself at risk for diabetes.
Premise 2: Johnny does
not eat sweats everyday.
Conclusion: Therefore,
Johnny is not placing himself at risk for diabetes.
This conclusion is invalid
because there are a lot of different reasons besides eating sweets that make
Johnny face diabetes. He can place himself for the disease when eating cakes
instead of candies.
Item 2:
Premise 1: All houses are residences.
Premise 2: All sheds are residences.
Conclusion: All houses are sheds.
This conclusion is invalid.
There must be no valid conclusion because three cases can occur: All houses are
sheds; or Some houses are sheds; or No house is sheds. The inference can be
indicated in the diagram below:
Item 3:
can't believe you voted to restrict welfare. Either you didn't understand the
proposition, or you just don't care about those less fortunate than yourself.”
This is an example of false dilemma because the speaker assumes that there are only two
kinds of people mentioned in the verse above. However, there must be plenty of
others who understand the proposition and care about the unfortunate but voted
to restrict welfare for some reasons. They might care more about limiting the
role of government.
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