Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 3, 2020

Best Cloud Based Digital Signage Software With Trending Technologies

Simple, Fast & Customizable Digital Signage

The cloud-based digital signage software helps you turn your TV, iPad as well as other devices into beautiful digital signage fast and schedule to publish your screen in a snap!

Cloud-based Digital Signage Software With Facial Recognition Technologies

  • Content Management

You can find it easy to add as many images, videos, presentations as you want. Meanwhile, you can organize content, manage screens remotely by utilizing the latest cloud technology.
  • Smart Schedule

With our cloud-based digital signage software, you can schedule content to display at any certain time of day, week or show it on a specific date. Moreover, you can choose to set expiration as you want
  • Unlimited screens

No matter how many screens you have. 10 screens or 10.000 screens, we can handle them all. Giga cloud-based digital signage solution helps you quickly display, manage the content on any screen.

Trending Technologies

  • Facial Recognition Technology

Gigasource facial recognition technology help to identify who is watching, and identify their age, race, and gender, how long for, and what the most popular times of day and days of the week were.
  • Streaming Live Content

Thanks to the cloud-based digital signage software, it’s easy for you to stream live content to your digital displays. In case, you want to show news, live sales updates, or twitter feed, etc
  • Touch Screen Innovation

Touch screen digital signage displays help people tap the screen to show reactions or send messages. Moreover, camera integrations allow viewers to join the live stream.
  • Automation & AI

AI- power technology comes with data analysis that helps the company automatically distribute targeted contents based on data they collect. Thanks to this, the company can deliver the right content to the right viewer. 
  • Manage Content From A Phone.

As you may know, people do everything on our mobile phones. Hence, we provide you a software that you can manage our digital signage content from a phone with ease.
  • AI- power Personalization

As you can see, people love personalized experiences. With artificial intelligence, it is easy for you to provide better connectivity, responsiveness, and interaction. As a result, you can engage more customers

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